• Do Not Put Fertilizer in the Garbage

    The BIG NO is to throw away old fertilizer in regular trash.

    • Offer the leftover fertilizer to a neighbour, family, or friends
    • apply to houseplants (follow instructions on the package to do so safely)
    • Put the remaining bag up for free on a local "buy nothing" group
    • Dropping off the left over fertilizer to your nearest community recycling centre
  • Use Up Excess Fertilizer

    Just like all living organisms, lawns and gardens also require nourishment. It is recommended to fertilize your lawn every other month, starting when the ground is no longer frozen and ending with a final application in the fall. This will provide the necessary nutrients to keep the grass healthy during the coldest weather and promote root growth to access deeply stored moisture reserves.

  • Storing Fertilizer

    • Keep the fertilizer sealed in its original container in a dry place for next season
    • Store the container of liquid fertilizer in a plastic bag when storing it. It will stop the fertilizer from dripping onto the ground or touching your skin.
    • Do not combine different fertilizer types. This could result in a volatile and hazardous chemical reaction.  
    • If the fertilizer is exposed to moisture, it may form lumps. However, this issue can usually be resolved by breaking apart any clumps before using the spreader in the spring.

Why Fertilizer Needs to be Properly Disposed of

Did you know that chemical fertilizers can contaminate your community’s water supply if not disposed of properly? Many fertilizers contain phosphorus, which can promote the growth of algae. This can deplete the oxygen in rivers, lakes, and streams, harming fish and other aquatic life. Plus, the widespread use of chemical fertilizers in urban areas already has negative environmental impacts. But don’t worry, you can help reverse this by making sure to dispose of fertilizers properly and protect marine life while reducing their carbon footprint. And remember, never pour fertilizer down a sink or storm drain, as this can contaminate sewage water. Let’s work together to keep our environment healthy!